Knife folder MS-45

The MS-45 knife folder is available to connect to the Smart-binder delivery conveyor.

The folder receives each booklet and knife folds it in the center. If ‘down folding’ then booklets are delivered to the left and if ‘up folding’ then booklets are delivered to the right (the fold unit can be rotated 180 degrees to allow either configuration).

Booklet entry from IBIS
Smart-binder delivery conveyor
Booklet delivery conveyor
Outfeed from knife folder
IBIS Smart-binder
Height 810mm
Booklets enter the MS-45
Delivery of 'knife-folded' booklets
Booklet delivery conveyor
MS-45 knife folder
Height 700mm

Fold direction and heights

The MS-45 will be normally be set to do a ‘down fold’ and deliver to the left.
(Note:: if an up fold is preferred then the fold will deliver to the right which is not so convenient for the machine operator).

Fold rollers

The infeed height to the knife-folder is about 810mm (requires the Smart-binder delivery conveyor to be raised slightly) and when ‘down folding’ the delivery conveyor height is 700mm.

MS-45 Basic Specifications (when connected to Smart-binder )

Booklet size before folding

Book Width : min: 120mm max 225mm
Spine length : min 210mm max 320 mm


Infeed height: 810mm
Outfeed height (assuming down fold): 700mm

Maximum speed

7000 books/hour (to match maximum Smart-binder speed)

Maximum booklet thickness

Approx 20 pages (0.5mm)

Note: the thicker the booklet, the more evidence there will be of spine wrinkling at the corner of the booklet after the knife fold.