Smart-data analysis system SDA-100 software installation on a virtual machine

For assistance with the installation steps please contact IBIS

The zip file SDA-files contains the files for the SDA installation.

There is a PowerShell script which automates the installation. This needs to be run with administrator privileges and powershell scripts enabled.

Alternatively, the lines from the script can be entered manually into a PowerShell prompt, with the file paths adjusted if PowerShell scripts cannot be run on the system.

Or each installer can be run manually (from the command line or by double clicking). If choosing this option, it is important to run the installers in the correct order.

  1. mongodb-windows-x86_64-5.0.6-signed.msi
  2. mongodb-compass-1.30.1-win32-x64.msi
  3. SmartReports_2.1.0.0_Release.msi

The installer for step 1 has several stages:

  1. Accept the license agreement
  2. Choose the 'Complete' setup type
  3. Service configuration (should be left unchanged unless there are specific reasons for changing it)
  4. Compass install option (tick box lower left corner). By default this is ticked. The installer will need internet access to download compass. We have provided the installer for this so this option can be unticked and the separate installer used afterwards. If compass is installed at this stage there is no need to run the separate installer.

When the SDA software first runs it will ask to open firewall ports, it must be allowed to use these ports. Once SDA and the Smartbinder are connected to the network they will automatically locate each other.