Integrated Bindery Systems

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Smart-binder Specifications

SB-1, SB-2, SB-3, SB-XW

Maximum input speed
(SB-2, SB-3 and SB-XW only)
100-130 meters/min web speed
150 meters/min with extra F-100 buckle folder
180 meters/min with extra F-101 buckle folder
Note: The maximum web speed is reduced if using lightweight paper stock and/or when producing booklets which contain a small number of printed pages (example 8pp booklets)
Maximum input sheet arrival rate
SB-2, SB-3 and SB-XW: 300-400 sheets/min, depending on sheet format size and other factors
SB-1 : 200 A4 sheets/min or 140 A3 sheets/min
Note: The maximum sheet arrival rate is reduced if using lightweight paper stock and/or when producing booklets which contain a small number of printed pages (example: 8pp booklets)
Maximum booklet production rate
SB-2 , SB-3 (one-up): 7,000 booklets/hour
SB-2, SB-3 (two-up, using trimmer center-knife): 14,000 booklets/hour
SB-X, SB-XW (one-up): 5,500 booklets/hour
SB-X, SB-XW (two-up, using trimmer center-knife): 11,000 booklets/hour
Maximum compressed booklet thickness
10mm = approx. 200 printed pages of 80 gsm paper stock
Note: The maximum booklet thickness is reduced if feeding pre-folded sheets or if using the trimmer center-knife, or if using 43/6S wire stitch heads.
Minimum booklet thickness
4 pages (1 folded sheet)
Maximum untrimmed booklet size
230mm width x 320mm spine length
Note: The maximum untrimmed booklet size if using the special 'stretched' model SB-XW is 273 x 460mm
Note: To produce 320mm spine length the side knives must be removed. The maximum booklet spine length is 306mm when trimming the head and foot (or 312mm with new model SBs)
Minimum trimmed booklet size
119mm width x 200mm spine length
Note: 119mm minimum trimmed width can be reduced to 82.5mm with trimmer modification SBT-100.
Note: 119mm minimum width can be reduced to 75mm with special modifications if no face trim is needed
Note: 200mm minimum trimmed spine length can be reduced to 91mm if using the trimmer center knife CKN-101
Maximum Input sheet size
472mm width x 320mm length
Note: The special extended model SB-XW increases the maximum length to from 320mm 460mm and the maximum width from 472 to 546mm
Minimum Input sheet size
250mm width x 210mm length
Note: the minimum width of 250mm can be reduced to 150mm with special modifications
Input cover size
without optional Cover Autoloader CAL-101
Maximum : 320mm length x 500mm width
Minimum: 210mm length x 250-300mm width
Note: a small modification is required to the CIF-102 cover feeder to reduce the min cover width from 300mm to 250mm
Input cover size
WITH optional CoverAutoloader CAL-101
Maximum: 320mm length x 472mm width
Minimum: 210mm length x 300mm width
Note: 300mm is the minimum cover width with the Autoloader fitted
Paper minimum stock weight
50 g/㎡ (34 lbs offset) or 40 g/㎡ (27 lbs offset) with extra folder. Paper weights below 60g/㎡ may require the web speed to be reduced, or the optional F-100 folder to be used
Stitch heads
Max stitch thickness: 6mm. Max booklet thickness: 7 - 8mm. Up to 4 stitches per booklet (refer to IBIS if 6 stitches are required). 12mm flat stitch, 0.4mm to 0.6mm diameter round wire . Optional 12mm loop stitch
Min stitch spacing (43/6 head) = 43mm center-line to center-line. Note: minimum spacing is when making a 2-sheet booklet and increases with booklet thickness
Stitch heads
Max stitch thickness: 8mm. Max booklet thickness: 10mm. Up to 4 stitches per booklet (refer to IBIS if 6 stitches are required). 14mm flat stitch, 0.4mm to 0.6mm diameter round wire. Optional 14mm loop stitch
Min stitch spacing (52/8 head) = 52mm center-line to center-line. Note: minimum spacing is when making a 2-sheet booklet and increases with booklet thickness
Edge Trim-off
Front edge: 4 - 25mm, Sides: 4 - 20mm
Operator interface
Graphical touch screen with multi-languages for system set up, operation, and operator feedback